Sunday, November 30, 2008

For Lisa and the Tot

The Tot will be happy to know that there is snow falling and accumulating on the ground here on the western edges of the Enchanted Mitten.


Lisa said...

Oh my! She will be so excited when I show her these pictures in the morning. This afternoon, she was readying for the trip - packing her toothbrush and paste and flosh in their plastic carrier. Her boots and snowsuit are already in Michigan as, obviously, we have little use for them here.

Love the winter wonderland! Can't wait to get home.


Big Johnny said...

Call me in May when the snow melts....


Lisa said...

John has been in SoCal too long!! :-)


Big Johnny said...

yeah yeah yeah.....step thru some black ice and have the water surge up over your shoe top...then tell me how much you love winter....

salt crust all over your car

sooty black snow after a week


Lisa said...

John, you just need taller shoes. :-)


Paul's Blog said...

Big Johnny has just gone soft. He probably should have joined the Air Force...

Big Johnny said...

Nice t-shirt and shorts jog at lunch today....ahhhhhh