I arrived at GE Aviation (which is located near the Gerald R. Ford International Airport) at 7:40AM or so. My appointment was at 8AM, but I did not want to be late. I checked in with Security, as I had to prove citizenship, so I showed him my passport and I took a seat to wait for Larry to come get me. A few moments later,

Hank then escorted me back to the conference room, where he asked me more questions about my experience and qualifications, and then another person, Al, came in to speak with me. When Al arrived, Hank excused himself and said, "I will be back at 9:45 or so, Al." Al was a crusty old soul and in the the course of our conversation I found out that he was prior

At 9:45 or so, Hank returned and said, "Paul, I know that you have to leave soon. Can we go back to John's office and cover a few things?" Needless to say, I obliged.
I said goodbye to Gil, thanking him for his time, and then I followed Hank back to John's office. John was not there, so Hank started to ask me a few HR required questions. A few minutes after we sat down, John arrived and he asked me a few more questions, chiefly about what I had thought of the interview process. It was not a little after 10AM and hank remembered that I need to leave soon. I told him that so long as I was out the door by 10:30 or so, that I would be able to make my 11:30 interview downtown. Hank said to me, "We have had a lot of change here recently. I think that you would be a great fit to help lead this change. I am going to brief my VP that we need to make you an offer, but right now the VP of Engineering Services and HR need to approve all hires. I am 99.9% certain that we will make you an offer, but it might take as long as two weeks for HR to get it together. Is that soon enough for you?" I told Hank that would be fine and that I was looking forward to hearing back from GE. I said goodbye to John, he wished me well and then Hank escorted me back to the front desk. John said to me, "It is so difficult to find engineering talent here and I think that you would be a great hire. I am going to recommend to my VP that we make you an offer. I hope, again, that two weeks is not too long for you to wait." I told Hank no, and I told him that I was quite interested in the potential opportunity to work at GE. I thanked him for his time and I left to head to my next interview.
From GE, I drove downtown to the Kent

A few minutes later the door opens and it is a Judge from the court. I recognized him because of his photo on the court's website, and he said to me, "Paul, I am A, great to meet you." I said in response, "Judge, thanks for asking me to come here and meet with you." I was then escorted to a conference room, where there were three other district court judges waiting. Each one of them introduced themselves to me, shook my hand and made me feel welcome. Judge A closed the door to the conference room and I took my seat and the interview began.

The interview was at an end, and Judge A said to me, "Paul, I do not want you to take this the wrong way, but you have the most interesting and unusual resume of all the people we have called in for an interview. We are interviewing 7 candidates, and we hope to make a decision about a few finalists by the middle of next month. The finalists will meet the other two judges, and meet with members of the Court's staff. We will be in touch with you after we have a chance to meet and interview the other candidates."
I got up to thank each of the judges, and they each thanked me for coming in to interview. Each of them were smiling and I think that they enjoyed speaking to me. One of the judges, who did not ask me many questions said to me, "Paul, it was a pleasure meeting you. I thoroughly enjoyed this interview."
So now all I can do is wait and see when GE or the 61st District Court has to say to me. I enjoyed both interviews and I am hopeful that I will hear from either GE or the 61st District Court. Updates to follow!
1 comment:
Paul, I'm exhausted just reading your account! Sounds like a very interesting day. May the best offer win!
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