A few hours ago I got out of bed. I was fearful of developing bedsores. I cannot remember the last time I have felt so awful. I got up to take some more meds and to have dinner. Dee went to our favorite take-out Chinese place and she picked up some oat pops. One of my favorite beers is Founders Centennial IPA. I washed down the Hunan Beef Dee got for me with a single bottle of the Centennial IPA. I am sorry to report that not even my favorite beer tastes good to me right now. I hope that this bug I am fighting yields to me soon. If I do not like the taste of a Founders brew, I think that I would rather be dead. But then again, if I am gone, who will cook for Deirdre?...
Paul, over many years of separation from you, prior to your retirement and return to GR, Dee could cook -- 10-minute, BW3, Roses, even "Shirley's" for lunch. She's just keeping it a secret so you feel needed. I hope you feel better.
"if I am gone, who will cook for Deirdre?..."
She'll have to marry Mr. Chow.
And if beer isn't tasting good, we may as well put you down now...
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