In a recent post, I made mention that I might be getting old as I am excited about the new windows which will soon be installed in our home. Just when I thought I was crawling down that dusty corridor towards death, my spirits improved. I was out shopping for some lamb chops for dinner tonight, and I also picked up a bottle of wine to compliment the meal. I got to the check out lane and patiently waited my turn to pay for the lambies and vino. Well, the clerk looked at me and said, "I will need to see your ID."
Seriously. I got carded.
I smiled, got our my wallet and gave my driver's license to the clerk. She looked at my birth date and said to me, "Wow. You were born the same year as my Mom! I guess that you are old enough to buy the wine."
I must say that to get carded when I am well into my 46th year on this planet made me smile. Life agrees with me.
Should've asked her if her mom was hot....
Of course, now we know you're old enough to have a kid who is old enough to sell wine! Still feeling so young?
Then, again, I have a 2 year old. Who's laughing now? By the time she's old enough to sell wine, I'll probably be dead.
Thanks, Lisa. Thanks for ruining my moment. So when was the last time YOU were carded? ;->
All kidding aside, whenever I get carded, it sort of infuriates Deirdre...
I think that he is full of sh*t. I am never there to witness SAID event...
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