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The Heisenberg Uncertainy Principle
As some of you know, I consider myself more of a scientist than a free thinker. I prefer to study the problem, look at the data, run a few
experiments and then make an educated statement about a solution to the problem. This is a classical physics approach to looking at life and unfortunately, life is more quantum than classical. I was also trained as a Quantum Mechanic many years ago when I was in college, and one guiding principle to quantum mechanics is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal. In 1927 Ole Doc Heisenberg deduced that on a quantum scale (that is things at the atomic scale), the more you know about the velocity of a particle, the less you know about the particle's position. The converse is also true, that the more you know about the position of a particle, the less you know about its velocity. For everyone but the lawyers who are reading my blog, you will understand the equations to the right of this text is the mathematic representation of Doc Heisenberg's principle.
That is how I feel about my job search. There are times I feel that I
know the direction I am heading, but I do not know where I am. Conversely, I also felt that I know where I wanted to be, but I was uncertain of the path I was following (hence, I did not know my velocity!). Yesterday, I heard from a few of the people I listed as a reference for the Red Cross job. The hiring manager was asking lots and lots of questions to see if what my resume says matches what my supervisors saw. I expected to hear from the Red Cross today and I felt that they were ready to offer me the position. However, while I was waiting for a call from the Red Cross, I heard from GE. I have an interview with a couple of the hiring managers on Friday at 9AM.
To further add a little more confusion to the mix, I received a cold call from a a recruiter from SOAR Careers. My resume has found its way to this company and in the span of about 30 minutes, I took three phone calls from two different recruiters who saw my resume and thought that I would be a great fit for a job in Oklahoma. I do not think that I am prepared to move to Oklahoma, but it is nice to be noticed.
Yes, uncertainty reigns. However, as the HR Maven keeps telling me: "Don't worry. It always works out in the end." I trust her guidance and I have to keep telling myself, I am not at the end. Updates to follow as conditions warrant.
Quantum mechanics. Hmmm...I took "Physics for Poets," in undergrad. But, then again, I went to Central Michigan University. Enough said about that. The equations were enough to remind me why I went to law school.
I have been to Oklahoma, though, and can't say I could give you a list of the top 10 redeeming qualities. Or top 5, for that matter. By the time we'd passed through, I'd added it to my growing list of places I was pretty sure I could never live.
Unless you like tornadoes.
OK, I have to vent here a little. Why were you able to take a class like "Physics for Poets," or "Math for non-majors" or "Chemistry for Clowns," while I had to fight and scratch my way through classes like "Macro-Economics," or "Great Issues in Political Thought" or "Shaw and Pirandello: A Comparison Study."
When I took all of those aforementioned courses, I was SURROUNDED by people who were, respectively, Econ Majors, or Poli-Sci Majors or even worse, English Majors. As a Chemistry major, I was forced to take those aforementioned course with these people who were striving to major in these educational disciplines. I was not able to take "Econ for Chemists," or "Poli-Sci for People Who Do not Care," or even "English for Engineers." However, when an Econ or Poli-Sci or English major had to take a science class, they were given a "pass." They were not expected to be able to handle the rigors of calculus or physics or biology or chemistry. Instead, they received some watered and dumbed down course about science, while I had to take the same classes that people who wanted to MAJOR in the subject. Can somebody tell me how that is fair?
I look forward to an explanation. Not that I am bitter...
Hmmm...sounds like poor academic planning on your part. :-) And, do I need to repeat myself?
I went to Central Michigan University. We consistently made Playboy's list of Top Party Schools.
Even the Physics Majors there were taking Physics for Poets.
Playboy never came to Kalamazoo College to look for "models." So were you ever asked to pose in the ever popular "Girls from Michigan" issue?
Rocks for Jocks, baby !!!
Oh,! They told me I was waaaaaay too good looking! :-)
Rickety rack skrit skrat
humina humina humina
Is Kalamazoo JC even accredited ??
Not worry about "Physics for Poets" or such nonsense--you are living proof, as is your emerging job search, of the value of a fine (= quality MIAA school) liberal arts education. 'Nuf said.
Now about that beer drinking and painting....
P.S. Don't even think about Oklahoma--the HR Maven needs a driver and cook here in GR!!
Thanks for the words of support. For the record, my "friend" John posting on this thread never went to college. He went to a trade school in Maryland known as the Severn River Community School for Wayward Boys and Girls.
Beat Army !!
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